Thursday, 11 March 2010

Happy Vibes

I wasn't planning on writing anything today, but I had an email from someone who has really helped me through my diagnosis in the last few months, and it made me realise that perhaps I'd left my last post on a bit of a low....and that maybe, I'd made it sound worse than it was. Well, actually, it was how I felt, but only for a very brief time. So for those of you that are reading this and looking out for me....don't worry, I'm ok!!!

I think I made it sound like life is a total struggle. It isn't and most days, it doesn't overwhelm me at all....only the odd day here and there....and that was when I last wrote. But I've been quite pleased on how this period has been better than last time. In fact, each time, I seem to have less emotional ups and downs than the time before....and am definitely able to pull myself out of them much faster. And here's hoping that I have many many years of getting better and better at being positive and seing the glass half full!! People do, so why not me.

So today is good! And all those good vibes are going all the way into that damned blood plasma overnight so that I get a good reading from my bloods which I give tomorrow :) !

1 comment:

  1. That's just made my day! You're getting the hang of it now.



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My family's snow fun!

Snow Fun

Snow Fun